謎めいた名前のMadam P. 彼女が描き出すアートには太陽の様に力強く、光輝いています。Madam Pご自身もエネルギッシュな方で、彼女のアートは人々を楽しく明るく前向きにさせてくれます。公共施設に飾られているような大きな作品を製作するアーチストとして有名ですが、今回初めて日本だけの小さな作品を描いてくれました。 その名も PUZZLE。文字通りパズルのように組み合わせて好きなように飾って楽しめるアートです。 小さなスペースに飾っても、組み合わせて飾れば大きなアートとしてお部屋の雰囲気が変わります。 大きな作品も製作可能な作家ですのでご相談下さい。。
■サイズ 200×200mm. 正方形 キャンバス アクリル画
Madam P
Her artwork has been widely exhibited at world famous national and international art galleries and museums, and in prestigious public and private art collections, especially in Denmark and in Germany (i.e.Ziraat Bank, Gallery Tunel, Art Gallery of Cemal Resit Rey, Museum of Ilhan Koman, The University of Trakya, The Denmark Parliament, and The London X Jet- private airport). One of her artworks, which is displayed at Ilhan Koman museum, was published as the book cover for the 40th book written by the world renowned culture and art professor, John Storey. You can access this online at:
if you follow the link, you will find her name under acknowledgements on page 9.
——Madam P から日本の皆様にメッセージ——
Dear Japan,
This project, “PUZZLE “ is my first small artwork I’ve ever had before. But especially working on for Japan. this series has positive attention. Because people enjoy my artwork in many free arranged style like a puzzle. These are the works of arts I produce whenever I get the spontaneous inspiration to create!
I would be very happy If my art work is to be a part of your life time and cheer you up :)
彼女が描き出すアートには太陽の様に力強く、光輝いています。Madam Pご自身もエネルギッシュな方で、彼女のアートは人々を楽しく明るく前向きにさせてくれます。公共施設に飾られているような大きな作品を製作するアーチストとして有名ですが、今回初めて日本だけの小さな作品を描いてくれました。
その名も PUZZLE。文字通りパズルのように組み合わせて好きなように飾って楽しめるアートです。
■サイズ 200×200mm. 正方形 キャンバス
Madam P
Her artwork has been widely exhibited at world famous national and international art galleries and museums, and in prestigious public and private art collections, especially in Denmark and in Germany (i.e.Ziraat Bank, Gallery Tunel, Art Gallery of Cemal Resit Rey, Museum of Ilhan Koman, The University of Trakya, The Denmark Parliament, and The London X Jet- private airport). One of her artworks, which is displayed at Ilhan Koman museum, was published as the book cover for the 40th book written by the world renowned culture and art professor, John Storey.
You can access this online at:
if you follow the link, you will find her name under acknowledgements on page 9.
——Madam P から日本の皆様にメッセージ——
Dear Japan,
This project, “PUZZLE “ is my first small artwork I’ve ever had before.
But especially working on for Japan.
this series has positive attention. Because people enjoy my artwork in many free arranged style like a puzzle.
These are the works of arts I produce whenever I get the spontaneous inspiration to create!
I would be very happy If my art work is to be a part of your life time and cheer you up :)
Madam P